Thursday, May 2, 2013

Grandpa Willy

Biff's view-

You know son, Grandpa Willy was a different kind of man. He had a dream. It was a dream that might not have been the most practical for him. He had the wrong kind of aspirations. He was so hard working, and wanted to be successful but he just... Wasn't doing it in the right field. He was a man of a vision. He believed in me more than anyone else. He elevated me to such a status though, that I couldn't live up to it, and it tormented him. I hope I never do that to you, my son. I want to try as hard for you as much as he did for me. He lived for me and Hap. Poor mom didn't hardly get a bit of attention. He just needed to balance some things out, but those were different times. I want you to remember him as an idealist, a dreamer, and a hardworking man.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Linda's Diary

I just love this time of year. The boys are so happy. It's football season and all Willy can talk about is Biff and how good he is going to be. He just adores him so much. Poor Happy is always trying to impress. Maybe Biff can teach him a few things. They are such good boys! And they make my Willy so happy. It is a joy to be sitting on the stoop watching them play and wrestle around.

The boys are at home, and things have gotten worse again. My Willy just can't keep his thoughts straight. He is so disappointed with what he couldn't provide for the boys. I wish Biff would stop taking things for granted and help his father out. And Happy is just floating along too. Those boys will be the death of Willy. And I just wish that Willy had more time to think about me. He is so concerned with the boys and work that sometimes I feel so alone. I don't know what to do anymore.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Lottery

Author- Shirley Jackson
Title- "The Lottery"
Theme- The 'tribal nature' of any small community

 I grew up on a farm outside of Lapwai. I went to Culdesac school, from preschool through sixth
 grade. They would always have Shebang days every summer. It seemed to be a time when everyone
in the small community would come together, no matter how hot it would get that day. And trust me,
it was hot! "The Lottery" sort of seems to be like this too. It is tradition for them to do this, and they
were going to keep it that way. It seems sometimes that the logical thing to do isn't always what is
 done. It's like there is an unknown hierarchy in places like these and things have to go on as usual, despite the circumstances.
It was sort of the same in Kendrick, when I moved there in Junior high. There was always the Locust Blossom Festival. It is something to bring the community together, along with others, for something that is important to them. The lottery is something bringing the people in the story together too, and it must be important to them in a way, otherwise they would try to stop it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Facebook post

Mrs. Mallards
1. I never thought life would be so fragile.
2. Something sudden can change everything.
3. Appreciate what you've got.
4. Love those you have not lost.
5. Oh the opportunities.
6. Dream state.
7. Having an out of body experience.
8. This can't be true!
9. Don't give up hope.
10. Today is a new day.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


There is always work to be done. Go to work, be on time. Work hard and be responsible. We go to church on Sunday's. Wear your tie. Tuck in your shirt. The preacher comes over for afternoon BBQ and football. Try in school, even if it is pretty boring at times. And of course, try out for football, not soccer. Drive the speed limit so you don't get a ticket. Learn how to change that tire. The engine is important for you to know about. Don't let the oil run out. Go to the games on Friday nights. Try out for football, not soccer. Football is our game. The high school has a lot of druggies, better not catch you with any of that crap. The coach will kick you off the team. Always work hard. And don't forget to try out for football, not soccer.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


They huddled in the corner of the day care, the two middle aged women. The lights were dimmed and a movie was playing quietly in the background. About 12 children are lounging on the floor, on assorted colored mats. A few are sleeping, a few fidgeting and a couple whispering back and forth.
The women have their heads bowed, not minding the children.
"Did you hear about Cindy?" The dark haired woman asked.
"No. What about her?" Said the other, a dish water blond.
"She's pregnant."
The blond looked back at the other, did a quick scan of the room, then bowed her head in closer. "I had guessed that! When did she find out?"
The dark haired woman grinned at her news. "Not sure, it's on Facebook."
"Facebook." The blond made a dirty look. "Sounds like she decided to tell the world."
"Well good for her I guess. Too bad she's only 20."
The dark haired woman looked over her shoulder. Two of the children were gone.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Test Prep 2

Assonance: is the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and together with alliteration and consonance serves as one of the building blocks of verse. For example, in the phrase "Do you like blue?"

Test Question-
Which of these phrases shows assonance?
1. The skirt is green.
2. Clouds are fluffy.
3. We feel free.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Test Prep

Alliteration: a literary device that repeats a speech sound in a sequence of words that are close to each other. Alliteration typically uses consonants at the beginning of a word to give stress to its syllable.
*makes poems more fun to read, sing-songy

This is an example from Edgar Allen Poe's poem, The Raven.
"And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain" -silken and sad are uses of alliteration

Test Question-
What is the alliteration in this line?
 Q-The horrible hairy hamster was full of life and raced around his wheel.

A- horrible hairy and hamster

Monday, February 11, 2013

Howl Imitation

I saw the minds of my generation in a flurry of different colors, shapes and sizes.

The new idea being sold is that everyone is beautiful in their own way, yet the models are still pencil thin and actresses the same.

People are trying to be individuals, told to be their own person. What a nice idea, but yet, deep down, we all still want to be accepted by the others around us.

I saw the minds of my generation gauging their ears and dying their hair green

Who claim to want work but instead stay at home and talk about it with their friends instead of going out to get it.

I saw the minds of my generation deciding to make somebodies out of themselves

Those minds going to college, taking classes and working hard to get their degrees

To change their lives, to maybe try to make a change.

The alcohol and sex are still evident, and sometimes abused, prominent in lives, along with violence, violence, and more violence. Everywhere, surrounding us all, in our media, in our cities, states, and countries.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The Mustang

Thick flowing copper mane and tail, pounding over the earth,
a shimmer of  sunlight.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


The pavement was warming on the street
A little ting rang from the bell of a bicycle
The trees still had most of their leaves
The big, black dog was sleeping on the end of his chain
There was the lazy peddling of a child
He was in no hurry.

He had all morning not to hurry
Clinking down the street
On rode the child
Peddling along on his bicycle
A few houses from the dog on the chain
Running over a few stray leaves.

A gust of wind scooped up some leaves
The boy still didn't want to hurry
The big dog woke up on the end of his chain
There was a squeaky noise coming from the street
It was the bicycle
Carrying the silly little child.

The dog caught scent of the child
He could hear the brushing of leaves
The sound of the bicycle
It made him want to chase it in a hurry
Down the street
But there was the problem of this ridiculous chain.

The big, black dog strained against his chain
He could now see the child
Riding by on the street
He could see him through the leaves
The boy should probably hurry
Riding on the little blue bicycle.

The boy looked from his bicycle
The dog was pulling his chain
He realized now to hurry
The dog wanted to chase the child
The bike sent up a flurry of leaves
As the dog barreled toward the street

In car-chase style went the bicycle carrying the frantic child
The dog dragging  the chain, scattering the leaves
The boy flew to his house, Oh he must hurry, and in fast relief made it off the street

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An Ode to Grass

An Ode to Grass

It is usually best
in the Spring,
glowing pretty and bright,
vibrantly green.

The strands are slender tendrils
cut short in uniformity,
though there are a few strays
which make their way out of line.

The scent of it is fresh
and merry,
and can turn your frown
into a smile of fancy.

When the days are hot
it is lovely to lay upon,
for it has a sweet and much
appreciated cooling affect.

The soil beneath is lucky
to have it growing upon it,
and don't forget,
that grass is a splendor of the days.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Litany Imitation

 To my 8 year old sister...

You are the kitten and the string,
the dancer and the stage.
You are the soccer ball
and the luminous green fields.
You are the carnival,
and the warmth of the summer night.

However, you are not the unpolished diamond,
the wilting garden,
or the cold winter breeze.
And you are certainly not the butterfly in the meadow.
There is just no way that you are the butterfly in the meadow.

It is possible that you are the roller coaster ride,
maybe even the playground slide,
but you are not even close
to being the big tire swing.

And a quick look in the mirror will show
that you are neither the puppy
nor the squeaky toy.

It might interest you to know,
speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,
that I am the galloping horse in the flower filled meadow.

I also happen to be the moonlight at midnight,
the damp spring morning
and the midday heat.

I am also the volleyball
and the beach.
But don't worry, I'm not the kitten and the string.
You are still the kitten and the string.
You will always be the kitten and the string,
not to mention the dancer and--somehow--the stage.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My name is Dallas Callahan. Many people, if they have not met me prior to hearing my name, would assume that I was a boy. Dallas is classified as a masculine name. Well, I'm actually a girl! I am a freshman majoring in publishing arts. I have two brothers and a sister. We all have our own unique interests. My favorite things to do are ride horses and compete in barrel racing. That's a little bit about me, now I would like to read about you!