Monday, February 11, 2013

Howl Imitation

I saw the minds of my generation in a flurry of different colors, shapes and sizes.

The new idea being sold is that everyone is beautiful in their own way, yet the models are still pencil thin and actresses the same.

People are trying to be individuals, told to be their own person. What a nice idea, but yet, deep down, we all still want to be accepted by the others around us.

I saw the minds of my generation gauging their ears and dying their hair green

Who claim to want work but instead stay at home and talk about it with their friends instead of going out to get it.

I saw the minds of my generation deciding to make somebodies out of themselves

Those minds going to college, taking classes and working hard to get their degrees

To change their lives, to maybe try to make a change.

The alcohol and sex are still evident, and sometimes abused, prominent in lives, along with violence, violence, and more violence. Everywhere, surrounding us all, in our media, in our cities, states, and countries.

1 comment:

  1. I find it fascinating that this class is bucking the assignment a bit. That is, rather than using the space to complain, as Ginsberg does, they are finding space to talk about the good things taking place in the world.
